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UMA Mission Statement


The United Martial Arts Federation's (UMA) primary purpose is for promoting and further development of the martial arts worldwide. The UMA's officials feel that we can achieve this through establishing communication, exchanging ideas and through open style tournament participation with the intention of bridging the gaps between martial arts styles and systems. These tournaments will bring athletes from different martial arts styles and also cultures together to compete against one another. The UMA believes the value of competition goes far beyond trophies and medals. The most important part is the development of the human character. Learning that you truly have no limitations, one should have high expectations for everything you do and achieve in life. Whether it's in school, your job or being a positive person within your community. The UMA's mission is to improve the lives of people through practicing, and competition of the martial arts. Regardless of the style or system he or she chooses to practice, the benefits of martial arts training will indeed last a lifetime. 


Future Plans

The UMA plans to keep developing more exciting and challenging ways for martial artists to compete. Making new divisions in the sport will only help the sport grow more in popularity. We are very proud to introduce our new divisions; Power, Shuriken Throwing and Self Defense. These new divisions will give more people a chance to find an event that they feel confident competing in. The UMA also plans to start our own college grants and scholarship funds for martial artists who are achieving outstanding grades in their academic studies. The AMA's members will receive a discount on our grant writing service for martial arts-based businesses. The grant could help with everything from stocking inventory to expanding your business. We believe that through these tournaments and other events, these programs can be seen and utilized by so many. We truly want to help assist people in achieving and maintaining their dreams.


Olympic Sport 2020

Point fighting has already made its first appearance in the Junior Olympic Games in Buenos Aires in 2018. The sport was scheduled to make its next appearance in the 2020 Summer Olympic Games in Tokyo Japan, but due to the Covid 19 pandemic the Olympics was unfortunately cancelled that year. Two events that was going to be featured were Kumite and Kata. What would this have done for the sport and the martial arts world? This definitely would have brought a new popularity and awareness to the sport. Utilizing television and social media coverage. High profile competition offers a flood of new competitors in search of Olympic recognition. This could have helped increase enrollment in martial arts schools. That alone would make the tournament competition more intense, bringing a new focus to every practice session. The UMA plans to help competitors reach their Olympic dreams by sponsoring training camps, seminars, and by developing our own training DVD's. This will allow some of our black belt tournament winners to share their unique ways of training. It may also help future Olympians fill in some of the missing pieces in their training and put them on the path to Olympic Gold.


The UMA cares about all of its competitors

We have become so consumed with the victory that we have forgotten to help those to accept and recover from defeat. The UMA will give participation medals to all participants 12 and under. We must first learn how to build our children up with confidence and security. Then teach them how to endure and bounce back from defeat. Teaching them that the true meaning of victory is knowing that you have trained and tried your best. By achieving this as a standard in your training and competitive drive there is truly no defeat because we all know how hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard. (see Free Events page)



Breast Cancer Awareness

Breast cancer awareness month is every October. Its purpose is to increase awareness about the disease and to raise funds for research into the diagnosis and hopefully a cure. Breast cancer awareness month is a yearly campaign that is intended to educate people about the importance of early screening and much more. The UMA in the month of October will be taking donations at all of our events, as well as making our own donation to this worthy cause.


The UMA Helps Kids In Crisis

The United Martial Arts Federation recognizes the struggles that our teens may experience. What probably wouldn't affect an adult emotionally may feel life-altering to a teen. Our teens experience social, economical and emotional stress that many of them are not equipped to handle properly. Teen pregnancy, alcoholism, drug addiction, and suicide numbers are constantly on the rise. Many of our youth turn to gang activity to replace a failing family structure. That's why the UMA supports (Sunny P. Chico) and the SPC Educational Solutions in the effort to get more information out and to help provide support to those teens in crisis. At all of our tournaments, we will be handing out brochures and booklets on how to identify the signs of these conditions and illnesses and where to go for help. The UMA wants you to know you are definitely not alone.


Hall of Fame

Great Martial Artist are not just UMA members. Our Hall of Fame is open to anyone that has gone above and beyond in martial arts training, teaching, and competition. The UMA recognizes and honors those who have made significant contributions to the martial arts community. (Coming in 2021)


Annual Banquet

The United Martial Arts annual banquet is for celebrating all of your triumphs, victories, and outstanding contributions. At the banquet, we will be inducting all of the chosen Hall of Fame nominees and presenting prizes to contests winners. This is where the UMA would like to show our appreciation to all the outstanding martial artists for their hard work and years of dedication. This is a night where we can relax and enjoy the fruits of our labor.  This is one way that the UMA would like to show our gratitude and to say thank you for supporting our seminars, tournaments, and other events. (Coming in 2021)



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