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Featured Event at all Tournaments.                           

A choreographed pattern of movements practiced either solo or as a team’s competition.


1. Open Division

2. Team Division

3. Weapons Division

4. Traditional Division

Divisions may vary per tournament. See the website for division postings. In all Tournaments, Kata is to be conducted before sparring.



In divisions such as weapons katas, and self-defense divisions, you have the option to wear t-shirts or sweatshirts. The t-shirts or sweatshirts must have your school’s logo or be plain, this also applies to shirts that will be worn underneath the uniform. The removal of the uniform top is allowed for artistic expression or the safety of the competitor and spectators.

  • The wearing of unauthorized apparel or equipment is forbidden.

  • The use of bandages, padding and supports due to injury must be approved by the Tournaments Officials.

  • The maximum length of the jacket sleeves must be no longer than the bend of the wrist and no shorter than halfway down the forearm. Jacket sleeves should not be rolled up, jacket ties must be tied. 

  • The pants must be long enough to cover at least two-thirds of the shin and must not reach below the anklebone. pants legs should not be rolled up.

  • The UMA Tournament Official may authorize the display of special labels or trademarks of an approved sponsor.


AGE CATEGORY:                                

1. Little Dragons Division (5-9)  

2. Junior Division   (10-13) 

3. Young Adults (14-17)                          

3. Adult Division (18-35)                    

4. Senior Division (36-up)



All black belt competitors should be prepared to perform routines within an 18' x 18' area (youth area may be smaller). If more space is available which does not restrict any other areas, more space may be allowed by the promoter. It should be noted that additional space is a privilege and a competitor cannot automatically assume it will be made available. 


External Aids
No external aids such as props, weapons, music, etc; can be used where rules do not permit. No external aids can be used that would damage, disrupt or render the competition area or floor unsafe for anyone.

Time Limit
A competitor must be ready to compete when called upon to do so. All form competitors have a maximum of three minutes to present and perform their routine. The time starts once a competitor enters the ring. If the judge feels the competitor is stalling before he/she enters the ring, the judge can call for the timekeeper to start the clock. A competitor whose forms exceeds the 3-minute time limit will receive one half penalty point every 15 seconds. Competitors in the grand championship will receive four minutes to present and perform their routine.

Criteria for Judging Katas & Forms

1. Proper technique/good form

2. Fluid Motion

3. Power

4. Balance

5. Degree of technical difficulty

6. Focus and intensity

7. The overall presentation of Kata or Form

8. Head and eye movement

Second attempts:

• If a competitor makes a conscious mistake, he/she may stop, compose themselves and restart their kata. It must be noted to both competitors and judges, that in the event of a competitor restarting their kata, there is no loss of points towards their second attempt.

• If a competitor fails on the second attempt, they will be awarded the minimum score possible for that kata/form.


Open Creative Division
Open Creative Division is an empty hand form division that does not allow music.
This division does not allow external aids.


Traditional Division
Competitors in this division, if offered, must exhibit a form that reflects the essence and traditional values of the Martial Arts. The form does not have to be a classical form handed down over the years, but should not deviate too far in form and content from the style's classical form. Competitors exhibiting forms that are too "free", that have gymnastics, or other non-martial art techniques in them or are comprised of elements from more than one style, should enter the Open Creative division. Otherwise, the competitor risks disqualification or downgrading points.


Weapon Division
The judge should check all weapons for safety. Weapons are subject to the judge's approval (no sharp weapons allowed in the youth divisions or under belt divisions). The judges should make sure all spectators and competitors are at a safe distance from the performing competitor. The safety of everyone should be considered by all involved. Therefore, the competitor's control of his/her weapon is of the utmost importance. If a Black Belt competitor unintentionally drops their weapon, he/she is automatically disqualified. Under belts may start their form over if they drop their weapon and receive no deduction points. If a competitor recklessly or carelessly misuses his/her weapon, he/she may be penalized or disqualified.

Criteria for Judging Weapons Division
Judging a weapon division is no different from judging an empty hand form division except the main emphasis is on the competitor's use of the weapon.
Important elements of weapon judging, in addition to execution, presentation, and difficulty, are:
1. The competitor's control of the weapon. The weapon should be seen as an extension of the competitor's arms and hands. The absolute control of the weapon at all times within the routine is essential.
2. The transition and combination of regular martial arts techniques with the weapon (i.e., kicking, blocking, etc).
3. The percentage of weaponry movements to non-weaponry movements: The majority of any weapon form should consist of the use of the weapon.
4. Safety: No reckless or careless use of the weapon that would harm another competitor, the judges or spectators.


The use of Gymnastic Movements: It is important to keep in mind when judging a form and the weapon division, that we are judging technical skills as they relate to martial arts. Using gymnastic movements may or may not have an inherent value to the form. It is the judge’s decision as to what value the gymnastic movements are to the form.


Extreme Forms Divisions:

The extreme division allows competitors to perform any movement whether they originate from traditional or progressive martial arts systems or otherwise.  Competitors must perform at least one technique that involves an inverted move or greater than a 360 degree spin in the air.  Emphasis is still placed on the quality of execution of techniques, movements, martial arts skills, balance, speed, power, degree of difficulty and showmanship. Music must be used in this division. Judges may take into account how well a form corresponds to the music. No stage props or weapons can be used. Competitors must keep his or her complete uniform on at all times during the performance. In this section, ALL techniques and gymnastic type moves are scored on successful execution and completion. Stumbling, falling or incomplete execution will be treated as a fail and scored accordingly or in extreme instances resulting in disqualification. If a competitor wishes to participate in a division with moves not permitted in the Traditional and Open Creative Divisions but meets the criteria described here, the competitor will compete in the Extreme Division if offered. 


Competitor's entry:

1. When announced, the competitor will move to the bottom right corner of the ring. Their time will begin then.

2. The competitor will then bow to the Head Judge and announce their name, school and the name of the kata they are going        to perform.

3. The Head Judge will tell the competitor that he or she can start. Only at this point may the competitor begin his/her kata.

4. The competitor will now bow again and begin the kata.


All UMA’s competition divisions shall be governed by the above rules and regulations. All competitions will be supervised by trained UMA tournament officials. The rules listed above must be respected, applied and adhered to. The Competitors, Instructors or any other agents must follow all rules and regulations pertaining to their conduct at the tournament or event. Failure to do so will result in immediate expulsion from the event and all awards forfeited.



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